Prospective analysis of relevance and demand
Since ancient times, people from all around the world have been actively using minerals to create various means of life sustenance to make their lives more comfortable and tolerable.
The beginning of the use of metals in human life became one of the turning points in the history of ontogenesis, marking the transition to a whole new stage of human development.
Surprisingly, one of the first metals discovered by humans was copper. According to scientists, initially primitive people treated it like a regular stone. They found copper nuggets and processed them by grinding, breaking, and by user other primitive methods of stone processing.
Around the third millennium BC, people discovered some of the most important properties of other metals. By that time, people had already become familiar with silver and lead, but copper was still used most often, mainly because of its strength and wide choice of available deposits. After having started working with metals, people learned how to process them to create required shapes and make dishes, tools, and weapons out of them
Since those times, metals have become a solid foundation of human civilization development.
As of today, the dynamically developing technological sector of the modern economy is certainly based on the widespread use of rare metals and minerals with unique physical and mechanical properties.
These materials make it possible to develop and implement the most complex technological processes, which, in turn, make it possible to produce more and more unique products and goods.
The development of microelectronics and computer technology requires the widespread use of industrial and rare earth metals. Interestingly enough, it is impossible to imagine the future without them.
Thus, valuable and industrial metals are one of the most liquid and sought-after assets in the modern world.
That is why various valuable industrial and rare earth metals were used to create the Edelcoin asset supporting system:
Each of these materials is unique in its own way and has its own characteristics both in the way of extraction and in subsequent enrichment to obtain the final product.
After being taken together, these resources can create great value for use in a growing modern economy and improve the use of technology in production.
Now, let's consider each of these metals separately.
Copper isotope is a mixture of two components: An isotope of copper 63 (63 Cu) and an isotope of copper 65 (65 Cu).
It is manufactured and stored as a fine powder.

It is worth noting that this isotope is most valuable only in the form of a material with a high degree of purification (purity of more than 999) and with the smallest and most rounded particle fraction. At the same time, less pure isotopes with large particle sizes are more common, but not so valuable. As it turns out, they do not have a particularly high cost.
The production of highly purified copper isotope samples is associated with high-tech and extremely energy-intensive processes of enrichment and activation of the natural isotope of copper 69 (69 Cu).
Bringing the raw materials to the final required parameters of purity and particle size (no more than 7 microns) requires the most precise and laboratory-like conditions in production. All around the world, there are only a few enterprises that can produce this product of really high quality.
At the same time, the production of a highly purified copper isotope requires a huge amount of raw materials. Let's take a look at the following example. To produce 1 gram of an isotope of 99.9994% purity, about 10 kilograms of ordinary cathode copper must be processed. In other words, about ten thousand mass units of raw materials are required for one mass unit of a high-purity isotope. For a higher degree of purification, an even larger amount of raw materials is required.
The complexity of production and the need for a huge amount of raw materials is the first aspect that defines the high cost of the final product.
However, the demand for this material in modern high-tech production is also enormous.
As of today, copper is one of the best conductors in the world of electricity. At the same time, the high purity and extremely small particle size in the isotope make it possible to use industrial installations with a uniquely small size of spray nozzles in production cycles. In addition, it is worth noting that the best isotope samples have particles of the most spherical shape and a diameter of no more than 7 microns. High-quality and high-purity copper isotope is very fine and very loose, which puts it practically out of competition among other conductive materials.
Thus, the use of a highly purified copper isotope makes it possible to create high-tech products with an incredible set of characteristics. The scope of application of the copper isotope is growing every single day, thus displacing such traditional conductive metals as gold and silver in some technological processes.
As of today, the high-purity copper isotope is used for the manufacture of medical devices, electronic components, circuit boards, optical devices with a high degree of accuracy and transparency, military equipment, robotics, space instruments, and equipment, as well as protective antiviral and antibacterial masks for long-term usage.
Another interesting aspect is the use of copper isotope as a shielding component of various coatings. Its use on the walls of buildings and structures dramatically reduces the impact of electromagnetic radiation. In addition, a multi-component composition with such an isotope is widely used as an integral element of stealth technologies. Modern aircraft and submarines with such a coating become invisible to radars, making the demand for such materials incredibly high in modern conditions.
Another extremely significant area of application of such material is devices for quantum computing or so-called quantum computers, the development of which has recently acquired an increasingly global scale. The development of AI, as well as other modern digital technologies, requires huge computing power and appropriate technological materials, the key of which is the highly purified copper isotope.
This material was first obtained in the late 80s' of the last century, and since then its price and scope have only been growing.
Thus, the high demand for the final material is the second factor that causes a significant price increase for this material.
This material will be of great importance in the future development of quantum computing and artificial intelligence technologies.
Now, we can just take a look at the graph of the cost of ordinary copper to understand the trend of its historical demand.
Even though the correlation with the isotope is indirect, it gives an approximate understanding of the steadily growing demand for the source material. The reason is that the end use of ordinary copper and its isotope are different.
It should be also noted that currently there is a huge amount of surrogate material on the market. By knowing the high demand for this product, unscrupulous manufacturers and traders offer outright fakes under the guise of a high-quality isotope.
Forgery of documents with fake expert assessments is often used by these companies. At the same time, one can purchase a product with characteristics much lower than those stated.
A really high-quality product can be offered only by a few enterprises and sellers from around the world.
In order to carry out a qualitative analysis of materials, one needs to perform an appropriate expert assessment, which can only be carried out by authorized laboratories with the appropriate set of competencies and equipment.
As of today, the expert estimate of the cost of a high-quality copper isotope with a purity of more than three nines and fine particle dispersion (7 microns or less) is more than 2,000 US dollars per gram of product.
At the disposal of Edelcoin AG and, accordingly, in the Edelcoin asset supporting system, there is an isotope of copper in two degrees of purification: 99.9994% and 99.99985%.
Both isotopes are products of one of the highest degrees of purification and dispersion.
The qualitative and quantitative composition of this material in the Edelcoin asset supporting system is the following*:
Type | Purity, % | Unit of measurement | Cost per unit | Quantity, g | Total cost, billion | ||
EUR | USD | EUR | USD | ||||
Copper Type 1 | 99.9994 | Gram | 2 050 | 2 173 | 25 840 000 | 52.972 | 56.150 |
Copper Type 2 | 99.99985 | Gram | 2 200 | 2 332 | 1 000 000 | 2.200 | 2.332 |
Type | Copper Type 1 | Copper Type 2 |
Purity, % | 99.9994 | 99.99985 |
Unit of measurement | Gram | Gram |
Cost per unit (EUR) | 2 050 | 2 200 |
Cost per unit (USD) | 2 173 | 2 332 |
Quantity, g | 25 840 000 | 1 000 000 |
Total cost (EUR) | 52.972 | 2.200 |
Total cost (USD) | 56.150 | 2.332 |
*Evaluation date: December 6, 2024. EUR/USD = 1.06
The quality, cost, and availability of these materials are confirmed by the expert opinion of the independent IGAS Institute (Germany, Goslar). Please contact us for an opportunity to review these conclusions.
According to the current analytical materials, there is a high probability of a stable growth in demand for such material by 7-15% per year, since the high-tech industry, especially in the field of microelectronics, is developing at an extremely high pace.
Copper prices are steadily growing in forecasts: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/copper-market
Nickel in the Edelcoin asset supporting system is presented in the form of two types of the thinnest wire corresponding to the NP-1 and NP-2 standards:

These standards have different degrees of purity of the metal: NP-1 has a degree of purification of 99.87%, while NP-2 - 99.84%.
A distinctive feature of this wire is its diameter, which is only 0.025 mm. It turns out that it is several times thinner than human hair (0.1–0.2 mm). One gram of such material contains 227 meters of wire.
Nickel is a fairly common metal in the earth's crust, but it occurs only in the form of compounds, which makes it difficult to obtain pure substances.
Nickel has a huge range of industrial applications. According to the statistics from 2015, 67% of nickel consumption was in the production of stainless steel, 17% - in iron-free alloys, 7% - in nickel plating, and 9% - in other applications such as batteries, powder metallurgy, and chemical reagents.
A brief analysis of the nickel market from 2021, and consumption forecast to 2028
The nickel market was estimated at more than 2.1 million tons in 2021, and the average annual growth rate of the market is projected to be more than 4.8% by 2028.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns, social distancing norms, and trade restrictions caused massive disruptions in global supply chain networks, seriously hampering the growth of the nickel market. Prolonged lockdowns in large economies led to a slowdown in industrial activity, which affected demand and nickel prices. Major mining companies such as Nickel Asia and Global Ferronickel Holdings have suspended some of their operations in response to the pandemic, with some players citing limited ability to comply with current maintenance shutdown schedules. However, due to the steady recovery of the industrial sector and the resumption of mining activities, nickel demand is expected to increase during the forecast period.
In the medium term, the growth of the nickel market is likely to be driven by an increase in demand for nickel in stainless steel alloys. Currently, about two-thirds of the nickel sold each year goes to stainless steel. In addition, the growing demand for nickel in car batteries, energy storage systems in wind turbines, or solar panels at a lower price is the main driver of market growth.
Strict environmental regulations and possible health risks due to increased sulfur dioxide emissions from the nickel smelting process and volatility in nickel prices are likely to hinder market growth.
In addition, growing demand in China and India is expected to boost the outlook for the metals market.
Source: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/nickel-market
The consumption of industrial nickel is generally stable, although its price fluctuates within fairly significant limits.
At the same time, if we talk about highly purified nickel samples, and, in particular, about the wire of the previously mentioned standards (NP-1 and NP-2), one of the main areas of their application is touchscreens, without which we can no longer imagine modern society.
In addition, such wire is widely used in the manufacture of chips and equipment for contactless payments, touch devices, modern smartphones, and other high-tech devices, including microelectronics and equipment for quantum calculations. Another interesting area of application of this material is the manufacture of protective stripes in banknotes of different countries.
The process of manufacturing such a wire is a complex task.
In addition, it is necessary to maintain a high purity of the material and have appropriate equipment for stretching the wire of the desired thickness and maintaining it throughout the thread. In the same way, as in the case of the copper isotope, just a few enterprises in the world can produce these products.
The cost of one meter of NP-1 and NP-2 wire exceeds 200 USD.
The qualitative and quantitative composition of this material in the Edelcoin asset supporting system is the following*:
Type | Purity, % | Unit of measurement | Cost per unit | Quantity, m | Total cost, billion | ||
EUR | USD | EUR | USD | ||||
Nickel Wire NP-1 | 99.87 | Metre | 277 | 294 | 49 747 573 | 13.780 | 14.607 |
Nickel Wire NP-2 | 99.84 | Metre | 262 | 278 | 68 100 000 | 17.842 | 18.913 |
Type | Nickel Wire NP-1 | Nickel Wire NP-2 |
Purity, % | 99.87 | 99.84 |
Unit of measurement | Metre | Metre |
Cost per unit (EUR) | 277 | 262 |
Cost per unit (USD) | 294 | 278 |
Quantity, m | 49 747 573 | 68 100 000 |
Total cost (EUR) | 13.780 | 17.842 |
Total cost (USD) | 14.607 | 18.913 |
*Evaluation date: December 6, 2024. EUR/USD = 1.06
Nickel was discovered and used in industry for a long time, but it acquired its most widespread use in the mid-80s, during the era of explosive development of the electronic industry, microelectronics, and computer technology.
The growth in the production of computer equipment, contactless and sensor technologies, smartphones, batteries, and quantum computing devices leads to high consumption of these types of raw materials. Stable demand for nickel is guaranteed in the near future, provided that industrial production continues to grow.
Caesium is the rarest earth material from the Edelcoin asset supporting system. Its isotope, Caesium-133, is the only stable isotope of this chemical element. It is not radioactive, unlike other isotopes.
Caesium is a soft metal, because of its low melting point (28.6°C). It also has a semi-liquid state at room temperature and acts like mercury.
Caesium in the form of a metal is a golden-white substance, similar in appearance to gold, but lighter.
The Edelcoin asset supporting system contains not just a pure, but an ultrapure isotope with a purity of 99.999%. It is stored in sealed flasks in a special inert environment.

In the industrial production of Caesium in the form of compounds, it is extracted from the mineral called pollucite.
To obtain Caesium of a sufficient degree of purity, repeated rectification in a vacuum, purification from mechanical impurities on metal-ceramic filters, heating with getters to remove traces of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and multiple crystallization sessions are required.
The complexity of obtaining Caesium determines the constant search for its minerals. The extraction of this metal from ores is a complex process. In addition, during the work, the material is dispersed and irretrievably lost. The industry needs a very pure material (at the level of 99.9—99.999%), and this is one of the most difficult tasks in the metallurgy of rare elements.
In other words, the production of pure and ultrapure Caesium is associated with a number of complex chemical and thermomechanical operations, which causes a high cost of the final product. There are only two enterprises in the world capable of producing an ultrapure fraction of Caesium-133.
Caesium found use only at the beginning of the 20th century when its minerals were discovered and a technology for obtaining it in its pure form was developed. Currently, cesium and its compounds are used in electronics, radio, electrical, X-ray engineering, chemical industry, optics, medicine, and nuclear energy. Stable natural Caesium-133 is mainly used. At the same time, its radioactive isotope Caesium-137, isolated from the fission fragments of uranium, plutonium, and thorium in reactors of nuclear power plants, is used in some cases.
As of today, Caesium-133 is used in the operation of the most accurate atomic clock. Since 1967, the phenomenon of transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the Caesium-133 atom has been used to determine one of the main units of measurement of time, seconds.
It turns out that Caesium is used wherever absolute accuracy is needed: Computer technology (quantum computing), imaging equipment, laboratory devices, space exploration equipment, medical devices, and other high-tech products.
The high-tech sector is developing extremely actively, contributing to a constant increase in demand, and the rarity of Caesium and the difficulty of obtaining pure fractions constantly increases its price.
Currently, the cost of the ultrapure isotope of Caesium (133Cs) is more than $30,000 dollars per gram.
The qualitative and quantitative composition of Caesium-133 in the Edelcoin asset-supporting system is the following*:
Type | Purity, % | Unit of measurement | Cost per unit | Quantity, g | Total cost, billion | ||
EUR | USD | EUR | USD | ||||
Caesium-133 | 99.999 | Gram | 32 500 | 34 450 | 100 000 | 3.250 | 3.445 |
Type | Caesium-133 |
Purity, % | 99.999 |
Unit of measurement | Gram |
Cost per unit (EUR) | 32 500 |
Cost per unit (USD) | 34 450 |
Quantity, g | 100 000 |
Total cost (EUR) | 3.250 |
Total cost (USD) | 3.445 |
*Evaluation date: December 6, 2024. EUR/USD = 1.06
At the beginning of 2012, the confirmed global reserves of Caesium were estimated at a rather modest 70,000 tons. The global production of enriched Caesium ore is about 20 tons per year. The global production of metallic (pure) Caesium is about 9 tons per year (for reference: the average annual gold production in the world is more than 3,500 tons).
Some sources claim that the needs for Caesium are more than 8.5 times higher than its production, that the situation in the metallurgy of Caesium is even more alarming than, for example, in the metallurgy of tantalum or rhenium, and manufacturers cannot meet the ever-growing demand for Caesium.
Thus, the demand for this metal is not only stable, it is subject to potential growth, which will lead to a constant increase in its price.
The resources in the Edelcoin asset-supporting system have significant value with the potential for stable growth in the near future.

The total quantitative and qualitative composition of metals in the Edelcoin asset supporting system*:
Resource | Quantity | Price | Share | |
EUR | USD | |||
Copper Type 1, g | 25 840 000 | 52 972 000 000 | 56 150 320 000 | 58.83% |
Copper Type 2, g | 1 000 000 | 2 200 000 000 | 2 332 000 000 | 2.44% |
Nickel NP-1, m | 49 747 573 | 13 780 077 721 | 14 606 882 384 | 15.30% |
Nickel NP-2, m | 68 100 000 | 17 842 200 000 | 18 912 732 000 | 19.81% |
Caesium-133, g | 100 000 | 3 250 000 000 | 3 445 000 000 | 3.61% |
TOTAL | 90 044 227 670 | 95 446 934 330 | 100% |
*Evaluation date: December 6, 2024. EUR/USD = 1.06
It should be noted that all the metals listed in this article are not exchange-traded commodities, and their price is based on industry supply and demand, as well as information about transactions conducted under corporate contracts.
Accordingly, prices for these positions cannot be obtained from open sources. The assessment of such assets can be carried out exclusively by industry institutions specializing in the analysis of raw materials assets. They include the following institutions: The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and IGAS Research (a German research analytical center).
As of now, one can find a huge number of offers of these metals online at bargain prices, but all of them are either goods of questionable quality or outright forgery and deception of buyers. In no case should one focus on these offers. If one intends to invest in these types of assets, then one should trust only proven and reliable professional-level sources.
Please contact us if you are interested in receiving additional information on the data provided, as well as accessing the results of the official assessment of the resources in the Edelcoin asset supporting system.
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